

Current Projects:
Actually I want to take a shot to make a book, definitely not-so-far from FOSS or PLOS in Bahasa Indonesia in my spare time. However, right now I have difficulties to maintain my time. Hopefully it's not a just a dream of myself so I can put (and make) a book as one of my missions in the future. Please pray me for this. :D

Past Projects:

Being a subtitute speaker at a seminar on SMP (junior high school) 10 Depok, West Java, held on January 28th 2006. The seminar itself is talking about Open Source Software that could do daily activities as they do in Windows. The audience were teachers from SMPs around Depok, though it's hard to adjust with them at first. But it's a great time and learned something new. This is also been one of the KUPLUG's agenda.

After making a file server using Samba on e-club, an Internet Cafe on Margonda, Depok, supports login using username and password with user quota but unfortunately it's not implemented though status was done. Then continued by making a small book for Indonesian Government, so called IGOS Project titled "Guidelines of Open Source Software" or "Panduan Perangkat Lunak Open Source" in Bahasa Indonesia. This is not ended so well too, status was done, but it's implementation not know. All of these past projects I did it with joys as my contributions of Open Source community with no charge at all.

Between those two projects, thankfully I got a chance to get more experience. I went to Palembang, South Sumatra, to take care Indonesia's Sports Week or Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON)'s servers. Just did a small part in it, just installed the webservers using Apache with PHP and MySQL on Redhat Linux Advanced Server 3.0 and maintenance its.

Along with my friends, on 2003, we built yet another small Linux community called KUPLUG. It is my hope to see it grow as big as it can.

Also I got a lot of experiences from teaching participants, both as an assistant and instructor in my laboratorium, LePKOM network laboratory, Gunadarma University, about Linux and Windows 2000 Server. It was a great pleasure to share knowledge with them.